Advanced Java

Gedurende deze training zul je bekend worden met wat geavanceerdere concepten binnen het Java programmeren. You zult uiterst herbruikbare code leren schrijven met Generics and geintroduceerd worden aan het schrijven van zuiver functionele code gebruikmakende van Functional Interfaces en de Streams API. We zullen ook aandacht besteden aan hoe Records en Sealed Interfaces to gebruiken om classen verder to limiteren en encapsuleren. Je zult gebruik maken van JDBC om veilig met databases te verbinden en multithreading en virtual threads om asynchrone en gelijktijdige processes te creeren. We zullen ons ook toeleggen op het bouwen van een module.

Advanced Java


This course is designed for those already familiar with Java who like to familiarise themselves with more advanced concepts of Java, such as generics, advanced encapsulation, multithreading and JDBC.


At the end of this course, you will be familiar with more advanced concepts of Java and able to use them in your development practice.

Inhoud training

During this course you will become familiar with more advanced concepts in Java, such as: 

  • Generics
  • Functional Interfaces and the Streams API
  • Advanced encapsulation, sealed classes and records
  • JDBC
  • Multithreading and virtual threads
  • The module system

You will learn how to build eminently reusable code using Generics and gain an introduction to purely functional code using functional interfaces and the streams API. We will also focus on how to use records and Sealed Classes to further limit and encapsulate classes. You will be able to use JDBC to safely connect to databases, and multithreading and virtual threads to speed up your program using concurrent and asynchronous programming. We will also focus on how to build out a module.

Meer informatie

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