MB-820 Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer

A Dynamics 365 Business Central developer develops apps that extend Business Central. This can include creating new modules and modifying existing modules. The developer can add new business logic or change existing business logic by using events. A developer also makes it possible to integrate Business Central with other applications, including Microsoft Power Platform products. Business Central developers are responsible for troubleshooting and debugging issues in the system. This may involve identifying the root cause of a problem, fixing bugs, and testing the solution to ensure it works as expected. Business Central developers may be required to optimize the performance of the system by identifying bottlenecks and improving code quality. Business Central developers are responsible for upgrading the system, migrating data, and maintaining the system to ensure it remains up to date and secure.
MB-820 Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer


Candidates for this course are Developers, Software engineers, Architects, Technical advisors, Technical consultants, User Experience leads or have a combination of these skills. Business Central is our fastest growing app with the largest number of solutions published to AppSource. It is however a complex solution, and it requires deep domain and technical expertise for implementation.

Inhoud training

Start your free Dynamics 365 Business Central trial

Do you want to try, explore, and evaluate Business Central? Do you need a Business Central trial to facilitate your learning process? This module provides information on how to set up a free Business Central trial version. Additionally, this module explains how to create your Business Central account, how to use a demo database, how to start a trial with your own data, and how to subscribe your organization.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Create a Business Central account.
  • Sign in to Business Central.
  • Use a demo database.
  • Start a trial with your own data.
  • Extend your trial and subscribe or unsubscribe your organization from Business Central.

Introduction to the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is built and optimized for small and medium businesses. It's an application for companies that have outgrown their entry-level business applications or are replacing outdated legacy systems and need an end-to-end solution for financials, sales, service, and operations. This module introduces Business Central as a cloud end-to-end business solution.

In this module, you'll learn about:

  • Why Business Central is a cloud end-to-end business solution.
  • The core Business Central functionalities by browsing application areas.

Customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Business Central is a modern business platform that you can extend and customize to fit your specific needs with little to no code development. This module will show you some of the available possibilities to tailor your solution for your customer's needs.

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the high-level technical architecture of Business Central.
  • Know the available options to tailor Business Central to specific needs.

Prepare for an easy application upgrade experience in Business Central

Do you want to learn about how to build efficient installation and upgrade procedures? There are essential techniques you should learn to build good and user-friendly applications.

In this module, you'll:

  • Understand upgrade responsibilities and best practices
  • Create proper installation and upgrade codeunits

Administer Dynamics 365 Business Central online

Learn how to administer your Business Central environment and tenants, from joining the Cloud Solution Provider program to configuring monitoring.

By the end of this module, you can:

  • Know how to sign up for the Cloud Solution Provider program.
  • Use the administration center to manage environments.
  • Set up tenant notifications and inspect environment telemetry.
  • Manage support requests for customers.
  • Export a database.
  • Enable features ahead of time.

Manage users and implement security in Business Central

Learn how to manage users and implement security in Business Central.

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Manage users and user groups.
  • Implement and configure security.
  • Setup profiles, and role centers.
  • Audit changes to data.

Introduction to the development environment for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to start developing for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? If so, this module is for you. Learn about the development environment that is used for Business Central development and how to configure that environment. You will also learn about the different objects in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

This module explains how to:

  • Use the Microsoft Visual Studio Code development environment.
  • Create a basic new AL Language extension.
  • Design the different configuration files in an AL extension.
  • Manage multiple AL extensions in one workspace.

Debug and deploy your extension in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Discover how to debug with Visual Studio Code and deploy your extension using RAD feature in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

This module explains how to:

  • Work with the Visual Studio Code debugger.
  • Use Debug and Attach configuration files.
  • Work with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) feature.
  • Deploy your extensions to a production tenant.

Work with pages in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to create new pages in Business Central that have the same appearance as existing pages? This module focuses on how to create new pages. It will also show you how to enable users to search for specific pages.

In this module, you will:

  • Identify the different page types.
  • Discover the different page properties.
  • Learn how to build the layout of new pages.
  • Link pages with page parts.
  • Use snippets to create pages in Visual Studio Code.
  • Enable end users to search for a page.
  • Define actions on a page and set its properties.

Design the data model of a report in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to learn how to build the data model for a report in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? This module will discuss the different components of a report data model.

In this module, you'll:

  • Learn about the different report components.
  • Create the data items for a report.
  • Add columns to the dataset of a report.
  • Order, link, and indent data items.

Work with codeunits in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to create your own codeunit and learn how to access the functions within that codeunit? If so, this module is the ideal place to start.

In this module, you'll:

  • Learn about codeunits.
  • Create new codeunits.
  • Access functions within a codeunit.

Work with XMLports in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Learn how to define and use XMLports in AL, understand different nodes and properties, and apply them in AL code.

In this module, you will:

  • Create new XMLports.
  • Configure the important XMLport properties.
  • Define nodes in an XMLport.
  • Work with the different formats.
  • Use an XMLport in AL code.

Work with entitlements and permission sets in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Learn about entitlements and permission sets and how to extend them in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn about entitlements and how to use them in Business Central.
  • Learn about permission sets and how they are used.
  • Create or extend entitlement and permission set objects by using AL.

Work with queries in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Learn how to work with the Query object in Dynamics 365 Business Central to join, filter, and aggregate data.

In this module, you will:

  • Create a new Query object.
  • Join, filter, and aggregate data in a Query object.
  • Access queries from AL.
  • Publish queries as a web service.

Build control add-in objects in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you need to build control add-ins? This module discusses how to build and integrate control add-ins with JavaScript in AL.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn about control add-ins.
  • Build a control add-in.
  • Send data from Business Central to JavaScript.
  • Send data from JavaScript to Business Central.
  • Connect a control add-in with an Azure function.

Customize the UI experience in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to further customize the UI experience for a user? Do you want to be able to add your pages and reports to the search functionality? In this module, you'll learn how to create page customizations for specific user profiles and extend the application areas.

In this module, you will:

  • Add objects to the search dialog.
  • Create page customizations.
  • Define profiles that are linked to a Role Center and page customizations.
  • Create custom views.
  • Extend the application areas in Business Central.

Identify functional table types and characteristics in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to learn about table types in Business Central? In this module, you'll learn about the different functional table types and their specific characteristics, such as special fields, properties, and linked pages.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn the difference between all available table types.
  • Discover the correct primary key for each table type.
  • Use the correct naming for tables.
  • Create the associated pages.

Introduction to the basics of AL programming in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Explore the basics of Application Language (AL) programming, including variables, data types, options, and enums.

In this module, you will:

  • Work with variables and define them in AL code.
  • Use the different data types.
  • Use options and enums.
  • Work with collections.
  • Use the different types of expressions.

Learn about application performance and monitoring in Business Central

Do you want to learn about application performance and monitoring? Learn what is required to write performant code, understand how you can monitor application performance, and get required insights.

In this module, you will:

  • Prepare your application for optimal performance
  • Get essential application insights

Work with source control using Git in Visual Studio Code for Business Central

Explore how to work with local and remote Git repositories, including configuring Git and creating new repositories in Business Central.

In this module, you will:

  • Configure Git.
  • Know the structure of Git repositories.
  • Create a new local Git repository.
  • Add and remove files from Git.
  • Link and clone a remote Git Repository.
  • Work with the .gitignore file.

Use Application Lifecycle Management for Business Central

Do you want to know how to start implementing a version control system to manage your Business Central applications source code? With Azure DevOps you can do that, and much more. You'll learn about the features of the application lifecycle management tool Azure DevOps.

In this module, you will:

  • Create an Azure DevOps organization
  • Create an Azure DevOps project
  • Know about the different services in Azure DevOps
  • Connect via a Personal Access Token
  • Know the difference between GitHub and Azure DevOps

Introduction to test automation in Business Central

Discover how to write test code in AL using Test Codeunits and run standard Business Central tests.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn how to write test code in AL with Test Codeunits.
  • Install and run the Test Toolkit in Docker containers.
  • Run standard Business Central tests.

Use Power Automate with Business Central

Discover the power of Power Automate in Business Central and explore the available actions and triggers.

In this module, you will:

  • Identify what Power Automate is and how it can be used with Business Central.
  • Identify existing Business Central actions and triggers available in Power Automate.
  • See how to create an independent flow in Business Central that automates business processes.
  • Create a flow that runs on a schedule or to create a button flow to send a reminder.

Access REST services from within Dynamics 365 Business Central

You can use the built-in HTTP data types to get data from external REST services from within Dynamics 365 Business Central. In this module, you'll learn about these data types and how to work with JSON data in AL.

In this module, you'll:

  • Use HTTP data types.
  • Connect to external REST services and read data.
  • Connect to external REST services and post data.
  • Read JSON data in Business Central.
  • Get JSON from an external REST service.

Use Azure Functions with Dynamics 365 Business Central

Do you want to learn how to use Azure Functions with Business Central? This module will explain what an Azure function is and how to create one. You'll also learn how to integrate them with Business Central.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn about Azure Functions.
  • Create a basic Azure function.
  • Use an existing .NET DLL in an Azure function.
  • Use an Azure function in Business Central.

Work with web services in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Use SOAP and OData to read and update records, and handle UI interaction in Business Central.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn about the differences between SOAP and OData.
  • Enable access to the different web services.
  • Create your own SOAP and OData web services.
  • Use OData and SOAP to read and update records.
  • Handle UI interaction.

Work with the API in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Learn how to work with the API in Dynamics Business Central.

In this module, you will:

  • Define the difference between regular OData web services and the API.
  • Work around API limits.
  • Create new APIs.
  • Read, update, and create through the API.
  • Implement OData bound actions.

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