MSLEAIBootcampFUN Microsoft AI Bootcamp for Educators – Azure AI Fundamentals

The Microsoft Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bootcamp for Educators is designed to provide educators and faculty from higher-education institutions, technical colleges, and other post-secondary institutions with the knowledge and skills to include AI-related training in their courses and programs of study. The AI Bootcamp for Educators trains educators and faculty on how to best deliver the AI- 900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals course to enhance or develop an AI training program to empower students with the job skills needed to succeed in an AI-driven job market and provides an overview of the Microsoft Learn for Educators (MSLE) program, benefits, resources, content related to AI, and how to join.
MSLEAIBootcampFUN Microsoft AI Bootcamp for Educators – Azure AI Fundamentals


Inhoud training

Introduction to Microsoft Learn for Educators program

The Microsoft Learn for Educators program provides eligible educators and faculty members at colleges, universities, community colleges, polytechnics, and some STEM-focused secondary schools access to Microsoft's ready-to-teach curriculum and teaching materials aligned to industry-recognized Microsoft Certifications. The Microsoft certifications enhance your students' credibility by giving them a professional advantage through globally recognized, industry-endorsed evidence of skills mastery.

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the Microsoft Learn for Educators program benefits and offerings.
  • Understand the different MSLE program participation options.
  • Review the resources included in the Microsoft Learn for Educators program for Institutions, Educators and Students.
  • Review the steps to signing up to the Microsoft Learn for Educators program.

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